In the middle of a mental health crisis it can be difficult to know what to do and who to contact for assistance. For some people, there may be occasions when they feel they need more immediate support than weekly therapy sessions. Therefore, the following suggestions are here to help in responding to a mental health crisis or emergency situation.

In an Immediate Crisis

If you are concerned about yours or someone else’s immediate safety, then call 999 for emergency services or get to A&E where there are specialist mental health teams that can support you.

General Crisis Support

• Share your thoughts with a trusted friend or family member

• Share your concerns with your therapist to externalise your feelings and to find ways of reducing your thoughts and urges.

• Contact Talking support services for a confidential listening ear.

o  Samaritans: – call116 123 (Open 24/7). Email: or drop into your local branch.

o  NHS Crisis Line: call 111 option 2 for 24-hour support from mental health professionals or text SHOUT (or YM if under 19) to 85258.

o  SANEline: Call 0300 304 7000 open every day of the year from 4.30pm to 10.30pm. Website: Email:

o  Mental Health Crisis Helpline: 0800 915 4644

• Drop into a ‘Safe haven’ for a chat or a change of scenery in the evenings: Safe Havens : Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (

o   Aldershot: The Wellbeing Centre, 121-123 Victoria Road, Aldershot, GU11 1JN. Open: Monday - Friday: 6-11pm. Weekends and bank holidays: 12.30-11pm

They also offer a crisis support virtually using the link: This virtual service is available during Aldershot Safe Haven's usual operating hours.

o   Epsom: The Larches, 44 Waterloo Road, Epsom, KT19 8EX. Open: 365 days per year: 6-11pm

They also available to offer crisis support virtually using the link: This virtual service is available from 6pm to 11pm

o   Guildford: Oakleaf Enterprise, 101 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4UQ. Open: 365 days per year: 6-11pm

They also available to offer crisis support virtually using the link: This virtual service is available from 6pm to 11pm. 

• Make an emergency appointment with your GP to discuss your symptoms and concerns.

• If you are concerned about yours or someone else’s immediate safety, call 999.


Further questions and advice to consider.

Have you experienced anything similar before?

If so, in what ways did you respond that was helpful?

Is there anything you learned from that experience that you could apply now?

Are there any small steps you could take immediately that could be helpful?

What are the smallest, simplest, easiest, steps you could take?

• In the next few minutes

• In the next few hours

• In the next few days

As best you can, be compassionate to yourself. For example, consider if someone you care about was going through this experience. If you wanted to be kind and caring towards them, in what ways would you want to help them? What might you say or do? Then try treating yourself the same way.

What to do in a crisis