9 ways to help reduce anxiety

  1. Talk it through

  2. Take a deep breath

  3. Write a diary

  4. Practise yoga and mindfulness

  5. Keep fit

  6. Remember it will pass

  7. Break it down into smaller tasks

  8. Talking therapy

  9. Medication

1. Talk it through

Talking about what triggers anxiety with a friend or partner – someone who knows you well and you can trust – can help. Talking to someone away from the home environment can also help. Remember - you are not alone.

2. Take a deep breath

Breathing more deeply can make you feel a lot calmer.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to keep your shoulders down and relaxed, and place your hand on your stomach – it should rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out. In for 4 seconds, hold for 2 seconds and out for 4 seconds, Repeat until you feel calmer.

3. Write a diary

Keeping a diary can help you see how you’re feeling day to day as well as what helps or triggers stress and anxiety.

4. Practice yoga and mindfulness

Yoga and mindfulness may help you relax, sleep better and manage the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. There are lots of mindfulness apps available, some of which, like Smiling Mind, are free. 

5. Keep fit

Exercise can help you manage anxiety and panic attacks.

Thinking about exercising can be overwhelming, but just going for a short walk every day can give you some time to yourself. There are lots of different types of exercise. The important thing is to find something you enjoy.

6. Remember it will pass

Reassure yourself that the symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by anxiety and will pass. This can help you feel calmer and less fearful of future bouts of anxiety.

7. Break it down into smaller tasks

Big tasks can feel impossible, but breaking them down into smaller tasks can make them feel easier to complete.

8. Talking therapy

Talking therapies, such as therapeutic counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), are becoming more widely available. CBT focuses on changing the way you think and behave and teaches coping skills for dealing with different problems. Having access to counselling or therapy may also be useful. A trained therapist will work with you to understand the causes of your anxiety, and to find strategies to help manage it.

9. Medication

Certain types of medication can be helpful and these can be used in addition to other self-help strategies. Antidepressants and beta-blockers are two of the most commonly used medications.

When the bucket overflows

The charity Anxiety UK has a useful way to think about stress and anxiety. Imagine that stress levels are like water in a bucket. If stressors are added to the bucket, even tiny ones like the school run or commuting to work, over time the buckets fills up. Then one day, often after what seems like a trivial trigger, it overflows.

At times the simple things in life can seem overwhelming, and the physical and psychological symptoms that anxiety brings can be difficult to understand and cope with.

Finding a way to have a bucket with holes in the bottom can, in the long term, reduce overall stress levels and anxiety. Each one of these holes could be something positive that’s done to manage anxiety.

Recognise the signs

Physical feelings of anxiety can include a racing heart, light-headedness, headaches, churning in the pit of the stomach and, for some people, panic attacks.

The psychological signs of anxiety can be harder to identify. Experiencing a sense of dread or numbness, the mind racing, restlessness, not being able to concentrate and fearing the worst are all symptoms of anxiety.

Recognising these signs and symptoms can sometimes be difficult and seeking help and support is often the hardest thing to do. But taking this first step can be the key to breaking the cycle of feeling fearful and insecure.

Useful resources

  • Mind provides information and support to anyone with anxiety or other mental health issues.

  • Anxiety UK works to relieve and support people living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression.

  • Smiling Mind is a free guided meditation app that can help with anxiety.